It's emotional   

It's spiritual yet  intellectual

Space cocooned by  the  vulnerability of trust

That gives rise to lust

A  longing achingly soothed by  symbiotic compassion

Born by the intertwined interdependence 

That inspires chivalrous co-dependence

Courageous aquiescense

To place another inside thyself

Bonded eternally beside thee

Before thee

And yes even above thee

For without him

One can never truelly be

All that  I can  be

It fulfills  and quenches an unyielding  thirst


A binding of souls with  another

Whose spirit is like no other

For it is the you

I've been searching for secretly

Quietly yearning 

For My Twin seperated by the divine

In the lottery of immaculate conception

It's an overpowering, all consuming aphrodisiac

That never loses its pugnacious arousing scent

For it was invocated

Evocatively blended

Uniquely for me
