SONA...What? Let the GOOD (Cape) TIMES roll...
SONA what?!
Zuma's toastmaster skills were so underwhelmingly monotonous with platitudes of endless
broken promises and half truths, that The EEF was gifted another O.T.T. showstopper in their
overrehearsed Red Wrag To The Bull pantomime of The Pot Calling The Kettle Black that the DA
was reduced to standing for Die Antwoord to Julius Malema's question, who now really
determines South Africa's political agenda?
As this coup d'tat took place in the glare of live television, a Coup d'Grace of immense
proportions had already taken place. The voice and authority of news media on and of South
Africa finally reached a landmark in its transformation as the mouthpiece of our South African
narrative. The Cape Times, South Africa's oldest daily newspaper and most respected English
broadsheet debuted a New South African narrative, a psychological rebuttal to the oppressive
indoctrination of slavery, colonialism and apartheid.
Leading with a sepia toned picture of of Distict Six houses being demolished by a bulldozer, with
Table Mountain as the background branded by the Cape Times title heading, the caption: LEST
rendered this issue historical. The image caption went on to detail that the day before this
Thursday, February 12, was the 49th anniversay of the beginning of the forced evictions in 1966.
If memory serves me well, I saw the last houses of Distict Six be demolished in 1989. Funny as a
year later in 1990, the ANC amongst other Libertion Movements were unbanned and on
February 11 Nelson Mandela walked out of prison after 27 years.
It then turns the naming of the motorvehicle expressway used as the original excuse for the
forced removals of District Six residents, Nelson Mandela Boulevard, another cynical gesture of
reconciliation, more evidence of wolves in sheeps clothing.
For ten years I have complained of the subjective and prejudicial slant, manner and context of
South Africa's news media.
Today I read South African news for the people of Azania. Yes, Azania. We are not a grouping of
people in a geographical part of Africa. We are a nation amongst other African nations. We are
the first nation of Pan African resistance to colonial slavery. The only one to outsmart its
Even though, we have taken too long, in the words of Bob Marley, to Emancipate Ourselves
from Mental Slavery. As in Parliament we will no longer be defined by other's value in our
inferiority and play by rules meant to institutionalise our oppression.
In this city founded as Camissa: blessed with sweet fresh waters at the foot of the giant
Harrakwaggo, lip service has been paid to reconciliation in favour of pushing a Eurocentric
agenda on an African city in Africa.
If Mandela was such a revered National Hero for ALL South Africans that our Civic Centre is
emblazoned with his image, why did the City of Cape Town unofficially celebrate the 25th
anniversary of Mandela's Walk to freedom with the unveiling of the proposed FW De Klerk
This City that placed a road on top of the sight of the original Slave Tree. This City that
shamelessly profiteers from Nelson Mandela's name while giving little of the overdue
recognition deserved of the history of non-European residents and descendents.
Just by the very definition of Cape Town as a major historical Slave Trading Post, capital of the
Cape Colony and a strategic security point of immense logistical importance in world trade, it
cannot be underestimated the efforts from inception to this day to retain the Cape of Good
Hope as an enclave of European influence.
Only until the Presidency of Thabo Mbeki could The Republic of South Africa finally take
ownership of its Naval Headquarters in Simonstown from the United Kingdom and remove its
Consulate from the Parliamentary grounds, where it stood directly in front of the steps of the
National Assembly.
History Text books still perpetuate the maliciously inaccurate myths from lies propagated as
scientific fact. The most ingeniusly diabolical is the mythology supporting the invention of the
"Coloured"race group. The Apartheid propaganda history text books and curricullum give as fact
the lie that the entire Indigenous population of KhoiKhoi or rather Hottentots was exterminated
by a series of Small Pox epidemics contracted accidentily from contact with Die Burghers.
This somehow means that an area covering the Northern Cape and the Western Cape with
portions of the Eastern Cape, became unpopulated land. In order for the Europeans to build the
little Cape Colonly needed slave to do all the real work. These had to be acquired and
transported from the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia/Malaysia), Mozambique and India. This is
how the "Coloured" creation myth was concocted and indoctrinated as the gospel truth.
Soon anthropologists, scientists and specialist from Eurocentric tertiary institutions with no
Africans permitted to attend and participate could with complete confidence and galling
audacity create African history from their imagination.
None of them thought to investigate cultural practices, customs and most especially language
with its oral history to guide and determine our history. The glaring clue the language isiXhosa
gives to debunk the "Coloured"creation myth is made even more shameful when compared to
the DNA tests and genetic investigation done by Cambridge University on the Lembe clan of the
Venda people in the Limpopo region of Southern Africa. This research unequivocally proves
their Oral History to be almost 100% accurate. The Lembe are the direct descendents of the
priests that served in King Solomon's temple in Jerusalem, 3000 years ago.
The Lembe at no point in their 2000 years in Southern Africa have they ever stopped interacting,
intermarrying with the peoples they have found in their exodus from Yemen to the Limpopo
drainage system and the beyond to the Southern Cape. The Lembe claim to encounter residents
in all the lands they travelled to.
In 2002 Mnet's Carte Blanche did some DNA tests to find out origins of South African celebrities
including Cricket Legend Paul GOGGA Adams, a genuine and typical "Coloured". Paul Adam's
features on superficial reflection, strongly suggest an Indian ethnicity mixed with Indo Malay
origins. The DNA results unequivocally placed over 60% in the KhoiKhoi/Hottentot ethnic group.
This thinking of one's self as only descendents of slaves with the former Slave Owners genes and
given slave name is a kind of Stocklholm complex. Yes indeed the Afrikaaner is the true Coloured
race group, passing for White but actually mixed race KhoiKhoi. If Simon Van Der Stel was
already the son of a Dutch Burgher and a Khoi Slave Woman, then the oldest Afrikaaneer
families have been birthed by Khoi Slave Woman as the overwhelming majority of Dutch
Burghers and other European Settlers were men. Men suffered few of the hygiene and child
birth dilemas that made women's life expectancy brutally short. Culturally men also received
higher autonomy to determine their destinies. This meant the KhoiKhoi women quickly
intermarried with Die Burghers and assimilated into Afikaaner society and culture.
Intermarrying was how Africans resolved disagreements, wars and received foreigners stranded
in their world or seeking refuge. This gave rise to sophisticated systems of custom and oral
history to trace geneology. These customs and oral history also ensured a role in the family for
everyone if not a family relatives for anyone. This bonded people beyond politics and
monarchies, making Africans family. This humanity permeates in every langauge group or
ethnicity of Africa.
Afrikaaners suffer an innate if not pathological denial of any indigenously African genes. In the
pursuit for recognition as European descendents and the benefits of being seen as kin with the
world's most dominant empires, Afrikaaners revealed their true identity with the adoption of
Afrikaans. This language was first spoken by Cape Dutch House Slaves as a Cape Dutch Creole
dialect. Afrikaans was originally written in South East Asian Sanscrit script as the Koran.
To maintain the free AID from Europe that flowed with sympathy after the brutal South African
War (Anglo Boer War) left the Boers impoverished refugees, great lengths were taken to
maintain whiteness. Family members who grew into their African features and colouring were
excommunicated, exiled and denied.
This suited the Afrikaaners fine until they realised that they had created a united non-European
population with blood feuds added for good measure. With major industrialisation and growth
of the middle and working class land became to be in short supply.
In Cape Town in particular the former slave quarters had now become major melting pots for
upwardly mobile non-European living in close proximity to transport and trade hubs within the
city supplying local demand with entrepeneurship. In fact Ndabeni or Langa in Cape Town
situated over centuries in the Maitland/Pinelands area has had a history of being a hotbed for
political activity. First it was a strategic high point for the KhoiKhoi to attack Die Burgers, Defend
better grazing land and control Table Bay. Later it served as a prison camp for Political prisoners
from the multiple Frontier Resistance Wars with Xhosa speaking people on the Southern East
Coast. Later it was a place of exile for troublesome Dutch East Indies monarchies and nobility.
First reports on the area are of the Black Death plaque epidemics that started there, maybe the
source of the Small Pox story in the Coloured Creation myth.
But here is the humdinger and the big reveal. The Cape Peninsula was seperated from the rolling
fertile Boland by a desert of sand dunes stretching from Bloubergstrand to Muizenberg and west
to Eerste Rivier just before Stellenbosch and Somerset West. Like a the white sands in the
Namib desert the dune moved constantly in Summer and flooded into the most stunning
constallation of WetLands as the dunes were below sea level.
The city reached its highest population density squashed up against the Table Mountain Range.
The authorities finally found away to constrain the shifting sands and turn the Cape Dunes into
the urban sprawl of a Metropolitan city. Port Jacksons (Rooikrantz) were imported from
Austaralia, a country sharing a very similar climate and vegitation to the Western Cape.
These alien plants proliferated and stopped the sand soil moving creating some kind of strong
basis to build modern roads and a new airport,
And then under the cover of Apartheid and the Group Areas act the White Afrikaaner
Government foricibly removed, evicted and stole the private property of non Europeans living in
Urban areas of South Africa.
These properties along with the newly availabe Cape Flats area is the reason why the Apartheid
economy did so well. This was major infrastructure projects. The kind of projects Germany and
Japan built their after war economies on.
Constantia was overwhelmingly populated by non-Europeans most descendents of freed slaves
and immigrant workers as the farms housing Europeans were large tracks of farmland.
Cape Town's restored georgian era villages of De Waterkant, Tramway Rd Sea Point, Harfield
Village, Newlands Village and Wynberg Village and surrounding lands were all pillaged after
centuries of ownership by the corrupt white state, tendered to cronies and relatives as high end
middle to upper class residents.
Today the Guilt of ILL GOTTEN GAINS torments those living on and off the suffering of others.
The Pathological Denial ,used as a mechanism of defense against self loathing, fears retribution
yet compromises nothing. This is then mixed with ingrained racism and indoctrinated White
Superiority complex whose ego was stroked to hubris by Nelson Mandela.
Even as NASPERS and its Media 24 and DSTV still dominate. Just as Cecil John Rhodes created
the Cape Argus to counter the Cape Times when he was running for Prime Minister of the Union
of South Africa. The Struggle has learnt just as we QUESTION MORE with, owning our
own media houses and outlets allows for our narrative to finally becomes the leader.
J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings based on seeing the destruction wrought by the
industrial revolution on the indigenous people of Africa. In an attempt to appeal to Europeans
he based the allegory on ancient European mysticysm. AVATAR by James Cameron covered the
same ground more obviously than the Paul Jackson Tolkien adaptations.
Well its time we told our own stories in loud and proud voices.
Let the GOOD (Cape) TIMES ROLL...
Zuma's toastmaster skills were so underwhelmingly monotonous with platitudes of endless
broken promises and half truths, that The EEF was gifted another O.T.T. showstopper in their
overrehearsed Red Wrag To The Bull pantomime of The Pot Calling The Kettle Black that the DA
was reduced to standing for Die Antwoord to Julius Malema's question, who now really
determines South Africa's political agenda?
As this coup d'tat took place in the glare of live television, a Coup d'Grace of immense
proportions had already taken place. The voice and authority of news media on and of South
Africa finally reached a landmark in its transformation as the mouthpiece of our South African
narrative. The Cape Times, South Africa's oldest daily newspaper and most respected English
broadsheet debuted a New South African narrative, a psychological rebuttal to the oppressive
indoctrination of slavery, colonialism and apartheid.
Leading with a sepia toned picture of of Distict Six houses being demolished by a bulldozer, with
Table Mountain as the background branded by the Cape Times title heading, the caption: LEST
rendered this issue historical. The image caption went on to detail that the day before this
Thursday, February 12, was the 49th anniversay of the beginning of the forced evictions in 1966.
If memory serves me well, I saw the last houses of Distict Six be demolished in 1989. Funny as a
year later in 1990, the ANC amongst other Libertion Movements were unbanned and on
February 11 Nelson Mandela walked out of prison after 27 years.
It then turns the naming of the motorvehicle expressway used as the original excuse for the
forced removals of District Six residents, Nelson Mandela Boulevard, another cynical gesture of
reconciliation, more evidence of wolves in sheeps clothing.
For ten years I have complained of the subjective and prejudicial slant, manner and context of
South Africa's news media.
Today I read South African news for the people of Azania. Yes, Azania. We are not a grouping of
people in a geographical part of Africa. We are a nation amongst other African nations. We are
the first nation of Pan African resistance to colonial slavery. The only one to outsmart its
Even though, we have taken too long, in the words of Bob Marley, to Emancipate Ourselves
from Mental Slavery. As in Parliament we will no longer be defined by other's value in our
inferiority and play by rules meant to institutionalise our oppression.
In this city founded as Camissa: blessed with sweet fresh waters at the foot of the giant
Harrakwaggo, lip service has been paid to reconciliation in favour of pushing a Eurocentric
agenda on an African city in Africa.
If Mandela was such a revered National Hero for ALL South Africans that our Civic Centre is
emblazoned with his image, why did the City of Cape Town unofficially celebrate the 25th
anniversary of Mandela's Walk to freedom with the unveiling of the proposed FW De Klerk
This City that placed a road on top of the sight of the original Slave Tree. This City that
shamelessly profiteers from Nelson Mandela's name while giving little of the overdue
recognition deserved of the history of non-European residents and descendents.
Just by the very definition of Cape Town as a major historical Slave Trading Post, capital of the
Cape Colony and a strategic security point of immense logistical importance in world trade, it
cannot be underestimated the efforts from inception to this day to retain the Cape of Good
Hope as an enclave of European influence.
Only until the Presidency of Thabo Mbeki could The Republic of South Africa finally take
ownership of its Naval Headquarters in Simonstown from the United Kingdom and remove its
Consulate from the Parliamentary grounds, where it stood directly in front of the steps of the
National Assembly.
History Text books still perpetuate the maliciously inaccurate myths from lies propagated as
scientific fact. The most ingeniusly diabolical is the mythology supporting the invention of the
"Coloured"race group. The Apartheid propaganda history text books and curricullum give as fact
the lie that the entire Indigenous population of KhoiKhoi or rather Hottentots was exterminated
by a series of Small Pox epidemics contracted accidentily from contact with Die Burghers.
This somehow means that an area covering the Northern Cape and the Western Cape with
portions of the Eastern Cape, became unpopulated land. In order for the Europeans to build the
little Cape Colonly needed slave to do all the real work. These had to be acquired and
transported from the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia/Malaysia), Mozambique and India. This is
how the "Coloured" creation myth was concocted and indoctrinated as the gospel truth.
Soon anthropologists, scientists and specialist from Eurocentric tertiary institutions with no
Africans permitted to attend and participate could with complete confidence and galling
audacity create African history from their imagination.
None of them thought to investigate cultural practices, customs and most especially language
with its oral history to guide and determine our history. The glaring clue the language isiXhosa
gives to debunk the "Coloured"creation myth is made even more shameful when compared to
the DNA tests and genetic investigation done by Cambridge University on the Lembe clan of the
Venda people in the Limpopo region of Southern Africa. This research unequivocally proves
their Oral History to be almost 100% accurate. The Lembe are the direct descendents of the
priests that served in King Solomon's temple in Jerusalem, 3000 years ago.
The Lembe at no point in their 2000 years in Southern Africa have they ever stopped interacting,
intermarrying with the peoples they have found in their exodus from Yemen to the Limpopo
drainage system and the beyond to the Southern Cape. The Lembe claim to encounter residents
in all the lands they travelled to.
In 2002 Mnet's Carte Blanche did some DNA tests to find out origins of South African celebrities
including Cricket Legend Paul GOGGA Adams, a genuine and typical "Coloured". Paul Adam's
features on superficial reflection, strongly suggest an Indian ethnicity mixed with Indo Malay
origins. The DNA results unequivocally placed over 60% in the KhoiKhoi/Hottentot ethnic group.
This thinking of one's self as only descendents of slaves with the former Slave Owners genes and
given slave name is a kind of Stocklholm complex. Yes indeed the Afrikaaner is the true Coloured
race group, passing for White but actually mixed race KhoiKhoi. If Simon Van Der Stel was
already the son of a Dutch Burgher and a Khoi Slave Woman, then the oldest Afrikaaneer
families have been birthed by Khoi Slave Woman as the overwhelming majority of Dutch
Burghers and other European Settlers were men. Men suffered few of the hygiene and child
birth dilemas that made women's life expectancy brutally short. Culturally men also received
higher autonomy to determine their destinies. This meant the KhoiKhoi women quickly
intermarried with Die Burghers and assimilated into Afikaaner society and culture.
Intermarrying was how Africans resolved disagreements, wars and received foreigners stranded
in their world or seeking refuge. This gave rise to sophisticated systems of custom and oral
history to trace geneology. These customs and oral history also ensured a role in the family for
everyone if not a family relatives for anyone. This bonded people beyond politics and
monarchies, making Africans family. This humanity permeates in every langauge group or
ethnicity of Africa.
Afrikaaners suffer an innate if not pathological denial of any indigenously African genes. In the
pursuit for recognition as European descendents and the benefits of being seen as kin with the
world's most dominant empires, Afrikaaners revealed their true identity with the adoption of
Afrikaans. This language was first spoken by Cape Dutch House Slaves as a Cape Dutch Creole
dialect. Afrikaans was originally written in South East Asian Sanscrit script as the Koran.
To maintain the free AID from Europe that flowed with sympathy after the brutal South African
War (Anglo Boer War) left the Boers impoverished refugees, great lengths were taken to
maintain whiteness. Family members who grew into their African features and colouring were
excommunicated, exiled and denied.
This suited the Afrikaaners fine until they realised that they had created a united non-European
population with blood feuds added for good measure. With major industrialisation and growth
of the middle and working class land became to be in short supply.
In Cape Town in particular the former slave quarters had now become major melting pots for
upwardly mobile non-European living in close proximity to transport and trade hubs within the
city supplying local demand with entrepeneurship. In fact Ndabeni or Langa in Cape Town
situated over centuries in the Maitland/Pinelands area has had a history of being a hotbed for
political activity. First it was a strategic high point for the KhoiKhoi to attack Die Burgers, Defend
better grazing land and control Table Bay. Later it served as a prison camp for Political prisoners
from the multiple Frontier Resistance Wars with Xhosa speaking people on the Southern East
Coast. Later it was a place of exile for troublesome Dutch East Indies monarchies and nobility.
First reports on the area are of the Black Death plaque epidemics that started there, maybe the
source of the Small Pox story in the Coloured Creation myth.
But here is the humdinger and the big reveal. The Cape Peninsula was seperated from the rolling
fertile Boland by a desert of sand dunes stretching from Bloubergstrand to Muizenberg and west
to Eerste Rivier just before Stellenbosch and Somerset West. Like a the white sands in the
Namib desert the dune moved constantly in Summer and flooded into the most stunning
constallation of WetLands as the dunes were below sea level.
The city reached its highest population density squashed up against the Table Mountain Range.
The authorities finally found away to constrain the shifting sands and turn the Cape Dunes into
the urban sprawl of a Metropolitan city. Port Jacksons (Rooikrantz) were imported from
Austaralia, a country sharing a very similar climate and vegitation to the Western Cape.
These alien plants proliferated and stopped the sand soil moving creating some kind of strong
basis to build modern roads and a new airport,
And then under the cover of Apartheid and the Group Areas act the White Afrikaaner
Government foricibly removed, evicted and stole the private property of non Europeans living in
Urban areas of South Africa.
These properties along with the newly availabe Cape Flats area is the reason why the Apartheid
economy did so well. This was major infrastructure projects. The kind of projects Germany and
Japan built their after war economies on.
Constantia was overwhelmingly populated by non-Europeans most descendents of freed slaves
and immigrant workers as the farms housing Europeans were large tracks of farmland.
Cape Town's restored georgian era villages of De Waterkant, Tramway Rd Sea Point, Harfield
Village, Newlands Village and Wynberg Village and surrounding lands were all pillaged after
centuries of ownership by the corrupt white state, tendered to cronies and relatives as high end
middle to upper class residents.
Today the Guilt of ILL GOTTEN GAINS torments those living on and off the suffering of others.
The Pathological Denial ,used as a mechanism of defense against self loathing, fears retribution
yet compromises nothing. This is then mixed with ingrained racism and indoctrinated White
Superiority complex whose ego was stroked to hubris by Nelson Mandela.
Even as NASPERS and its Media 24 and DSTV still dominate. Just as Cecil John Rhodes created
the Cape Argus to counter the Cape Times when he was running for Prime Minister of the Union
of South Africa. The Struggle has learnt just as we QUESTION MORE with, owning our
own media houses and outlets allows for our narrative to finally becomes the leader.
J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings based on seeing the destruction wrought by the
industrial revolution on the indigenous people of Africa. In an attempt to appeal to Europeans
he based the allegory on ancient European mysticysm. AVATAR by James Cameron covered the
same ground more obviously than the Paul Jackson Tolkien adaptations.
Well its time we told our own stories in loud and proud voices.
Let the GOOD (Cape) TIMES ROLL...
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