Screwing The Bar...

Screwing The Bar

Cape Town is acclaimed "The Gay Capital of Africa". This is yet another an

example of hyperbole under the regime of GodZille, "The World's Best Mayor

2009" of the "2014 World Design Capital". Taking a feather out an early 2000's

travel review in the esteemed British gay bible, ATTITUDE magazine; "THE CAPE


From 1994 to 2004, the Cape Town City Bowl and Atlantic Seaboard had over 72

nightclubs, groove bars, late night pubs and lounges. The Mother City was

internationally renowned as the party hotspot on the international circuit. DJ's,

Party Promotors, Event Co-ordinators, Entertainers, Artists, Craftsman, Audio

Visual experts and technicians from around the world found every opportunity to

be in our beautiful city.

Cape Town was the newest member of an elite club, joining Phuket Thailand, Bali

Indonesia, Rio Brazil, The Greek Isles and Ibiza. From the internationally

acclaimed Vortex outdoor raves to the Pharcyde events bringing legends Danny

Rampling, Carl Cox and the Orbital to warehouses and arenas around the

metropolitan, Kaapstad was nie Slaapstad nie. Electronic Dance music was the

creative hub for a new breed of entrepeneurs, teenagers to adults below 30years

of age.

No surprise the New York Times named Cape Town the 3 best place to bring in the

new millenium after New York City and Sydney. The corner of Loop Street and

Waterkant street was reminiscent of the New Orleans Mardi Gras from Wednesday

to Sunday all summer. Of coarse as this is "Season"even though old Camissa has

more sunny days and exquisettly mild tempratures making it ideal all year round.

Unfortunately the weather is peculiarly unpredictable to the point of being

diabolical. This too can be said of the inhabitants, residents and regulars.

Longevity and sustainablitiy of restaurants and hotspots is almost elusive to the

point of making legends of any popular venue that can make it through winter.

The reason being Cape Town has a very small "IN" crowd with money splash

regularly on arts, culture & entertainment. We rely heavily on our wealthier kin in

Gauteng, Africa and especially Europe.

We have not been able to remove the yolk of being the "Tavern of the Seas".

Simply put we are a high end, prettier and much classier Bangkok. Heavily

hungover from centuries as the Cape Colony we cater for the wealthier

Europeans, Americans, South Americans and AustralASIA who adore  our quaint

Eurotrashiness. Cape Town is  the perfect hideaway getaway.

This mentality we must overcome as the Mother City (Who'se Mother?) is not

some tourist resort but the second most important city in South Africa. Cape

Town is the San Francisco to Joburg's New York City of Africa, Madrid's

Barcelona, goddamit!

We are not the Costa del Sol come Marbella or Reunion island come Mauritius.

We have 4.3 million people who the overwhelming majority are unemployed,

struggling to make ends meet. Our people are under, on or just over the poverty

line and are fast getting gatvol and cruising for a bruising.

Our economy is not a luxury good its a necessity for survival. South Africa is

depending on us to grow up and finally take our rightful place as the Mother, the

Wife, the Spouse of the New South Africa. Cape Town, Camissa, is through

playing Housemaid and Midwife!

We been doing the crazy, dazed and confused schtick for way to long and in the

words of Whoopi Goldberg's Academy Award winning character in Ghost

"Molly...You're in Danger,Girl!"

Time to step up and have your Halle Berry Monster's Ball and just fuck it! Go for

the Leading Lady Oscar the world is a changing.

In the words of the Other Queen Bee, (askies Bonang)
I can do for you what Martin did for the people

Ran by the men but the women keep the tempo

It's very seldom that you're blessed to find your equal

Still play my part and let you take the lead role

Believe me

I'll follow this could be easy

I'll be the help whenever you need me

I see you hustle wit my hustle ICan keep you

Focused on your focus I can feed you

High Schools out its Graduation. The Slave Lodge is Dead, so is Madiba.
We live.We Learn.
 Lets build on his Legacy.

Now its Time To Move ON and LiveLIVE
