Please Mr President can you tell us what is "The African Way" ?
With so many cultures, ethnic groups, religions, customs, languages within the African population of South Africa, alone, I ask you which is the THE African Way? Our school History syllabus still barely touches pre-colonial indigenous African history or even modern African history, yet you insist we derive Equality and Justice from Traditional Leaders.
What is Traditional Law actually based on? Because many if not most royal houses and customs have been contaminated by Christianity, Colonialism and Apartheid who all manipulated traditional leaders and customs to suit their political will. Out recent history with the corrupt system of Homelands and Independent States of the likes of KwaZulu, Bophutatswana, Tranksei, Ciskei and Venda is proof this. Some Traditional Leaders were favoured over others even to the point of changing customary law and hereditary lineage to suit Colonial commercial ends.
The only schools of African Tradition are shrouded in secrecy and no school is ever definitive from the training of Sangomas to Marital Rituals to Initiation Schools to Burial Rights and Giving Homage to Ancestors.
South Africa is in the 21 Century and I think its about time African Tradition came into this Millennium too. All these customs need to be collated, written down, administrated and legislated. As they govern our lives, they too need to stand up to the light of day of our constitution. Our history needs to be properly researched, interpreted and taught to our children and our adults. Roll up your sleeves and do some real work for Africans, we deserve it, that is how you reward loyalty and responsibility.
I am Mfengu and did you know that we officially became subjects of the Monarch of England in 1870. So under the Traditional Courts Bill will I have to be sent to British High Commissioner for arbitration?
You need to stop believing you can deflect your deficit in intelligence, education and statesmanship any longer with platitudes, debates and conferences. You lack even the despotic flair to divert the peoples attention with a Rumble in The Jungle. The 2010 FIFA World Cup is the legacy of another man's vision and labour which you attempted to usurp. We are not fooled you came to the Presidency by slight of hand.
Mr President I see you are content to behave like a stereotypical despot, playing and pandering to whichever audience is in front of you. Yes you are our King of Scotland, our very own Big Dada. And just like Idi Amin you to shall meteorically Rise and then catastrophically Fall. Amini Dada had to flee to Saudi Arabia. You expect to hole up in your newly built fortress in eNkandla, with a militia of bodyguards and Traditional Leaders to Protect you.
But none will be able to protect you from the fury of South Africans when the people turn against you. When they see that you have robbed and pillaged their country to satisfy yourself,your family and your cronies. You shall receive our retribution because you refuse to take the rule of law to its constitutional and legal conclusion.
Marikana and the Wild Cat mining strikes are an ominous warning to you. The people have lost their patience. No amount of dumbing down of an uneducated poor majority will help you. Thinking that they lack collective intelligence to realise when they are being duped is hubris.
The people will not turn against each other. Not when the common enemy is a greedy and corrupt government content take more than it gives. The unanimous opposition to E-Tolling is proof of this.
Together the diverse people of South Africa shall suffocate your kleptomaniac government in the Courts and in the Streets.
THE PEOPLE SHALL GOVERN you are not our King but our Servant.
So think carefully about changing your ways. Better yet, hand over the reins to someone and people who are equipped, prepared and able to do the will of the people.
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